Nyx: The Veil of Night
Who is the Goddess Nyx?

Aphrodite's Apothecary's
Nyx Candle.
Mysterious as the night and just as fleeting, Nyx does not directly feature as a character in Greek myth. However, don't let this fool you -- her presence was revered, respected, and feared...even by Zeus himself. As one of the primordial deities, she holds great power, and as the night itself, she is eternal. While the enigmatic Nyx often hides in darkness, her children stand directly beneath the spotlight and are incredibly important figures in mythology.
Nyx's Dark Offspring
From her own being, with no help from a mate, Nyx wrought forth a chilling litter of dark offspring: the Fates, or the Moirai, who weave the threads of destiny; the twin gods Hypnos, ruler of sleep, and Thanatos, the frighteningly permanent version of his brother -- the god of death; Strife, known as the goddess Eris; and Oizys the personification of pain and suffering. Despite creating these denizens of darkness, Nyx also bestowed upon the cosmos two beings of pure, blinding light.
Nyx's Children of Light
Coupling with Erebos, the personification of darkness, Nyx bore a son, Aether, the radiant upper sky, and a daughter, Hemera, the goddess of day, whose luminous presence brings light and warmth to the world and banishes the cold chill of night. Hemera and Aether act as a counterbalance to their parents -- beckoning light into a world once filled with nothing but inky black.

Our Night & Day Candle Duo captures the interplay between this cosmic mother-daughter team. While Nyx rules over night and Hemera over day, their realms intertwine in a delicate dance of light and shadow, dawn and dusk. Together, they represent the cyclical nature of existence, where day yields to nightfall and darkness falls to light in an eternal cycle of renewal and rebirth.
While Nyx may appear absent from the many tales of Greek lore, she is always there. Her presence is inescapable, she is the velvet cloak of night, woven into every day's existence. Nyx demonstrates that great things and beacons of light can emerge from even the darkest of nights.